Friday, February 15, 2008

Upcoming Experiment

I am going to make conversation with a random group of strangers in the next elevator, bus, check-out line, or any other mundane environment. Then, I am going to ask them how often people interract with them in such a place, and if they found the experience nice, fun, creepy, or annoying.

Last summer I explored this issue quite a bit. What I learned is that many, who are anti-social, simply despise strangers making small talk when they don't feel like socializing. Sometimes I wonder if this very behavior is fostered by a society which is lacking in a sense of community or kinship. It's the same way people are very friendly in small towns versus larger cities. In a small town, you're forced to interract and know people. But, large cities are training grounds for impersonal behavior. Not to go on a tangent or anything, but it feels like we are just bred to work and simply complete our life cycle, but never find meaningful moments in between. One thing every human has in common is that we each exist on this planet, trying to find ourselves in the process. Sometimes, I wish more people would see this.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's been a while...

I've reopened this blog to continue where I left off last summer. So, there will be more updates to come. Also, be sure to check out my new project: It will hopefully launch soon as an independent magazine / web site.